Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's been a busy week...

Hi Folks, 
I've been busy weaving and spinning like a madwoman. :-) So much yarn and so little time... I'm ahead of schedule with almost all the merino/silk spun and ready to be woven. Only 3 colorways to go. :-) Here are pics of what I've been working on...  

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hand hurt -- a couple of pics...

Hi Folks, 
My hands hurt a lot today, so I've posted a couple of pics. Top is silk from Outback Fibers spun into yarn on my Fricke. Bottom is the same silk in my fave bowl waiting to be spun. Discuss and enjoy. This colorway reminds me of India. I'm going to have to order more of it soon. :-)